Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Super Safari.

An African Safari is definitely up on my list of things to do and South Africa along with the list of places to go. The idea of seeing such incredible animals (that are normally only seen in cages at the zoo) in their natural environment is enchanting to me. There's nothing more that I would love then riding around in an open Jeep with my Nikon. And of course I would have to dress the part...

SO naturally when the Safari Trend from Spring '08 was such a hit, I was smitten. I love the idea of khakis, olive greens, whites, and mustard hues a long with big hats and large buttons. Recently I've gotten really excited as Safari fashion is gently sneaking it's way back in this year as a companion to it's fashion sibling- Tribal wear. As a flashback, i posted some of my favorite Spring '08 runway looks that I think did a great job representing the City Safari look. The most recent issue of InStyle did an article about City Safari, so I wouldn't be surprised if these looks begin to make an even greater comeback.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

Bare Minerals just released their new skin care line a couple of weeks ago. Of course, my mom and I ordered it right away to see if it would be as great as the make up. It's made from a natural raremineral active soil complex. So far, i've been thoroughly impressed... my skin is definitely smoother and has an all over better glow. Time will tell if it becomes as big of a hit as its' counterpart make up line... but for right now, i'd definitely give it 5 stars.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I've Got It...

"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want- oh you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so."
-Mark Twain-

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy (Beauty and Blessings) Weekend.

The weather lately has been absolutely incredible. Sunshine has been abundant and is such a beautiful indication of this lovely season. God is so good and this weather makes me want to lay in the sun and thank God for all the beauty and blessings He has given in this life.

Happy Weekend.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet the Hilfigers.

The Meet the Hilfgers Ad campaign is quite fabulous... loved it for fall and winter 2010, but with the new season coming up, I have a feeling the Spring/Summer shots are going to be nothing short of preppy perfection. The current clan is super hot... and if I had a chance to meet them, I most definitely would not turn down the offer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There is absolutely no doubt that this past week was one of the best of my life. Being our last Spring Break ever, naturally we had the mindset of go big or go home... and occasionally go to bed super early because we are grandmas and are worn out. The laughs were uncontrolable, the dumb comments were unredeemable, the food was incredible, the craziness was unstoppable, the beach bumming was unfathomable, the amount of joy that came from singing, "sexy can I, just parked my mantis" was undeniable, the friendships made and strengthened were unbelievable, and the facebook photo comments are uncountable. I know that might seem a little over the top, but really, I couldn't have asked for a better week with a better group of people. Everyday held it's own little adventure... and for that, I am forever grateful.

Some of my favorite memories from SBXI...

Warming ourselves by candlelight the first night to try and contain the shivers.
Realizing that there's always that one person that can't make it up, fortunately for us, SJ knows how to still work the cam.
Meeting up with some other sweet friends for a super artsy breakfast.
Watching delirium set in on the daily.
Out of control game nights.
Feeling like a monopoly broker when having to collect money to pay a $360 dinner bill.
Candid shots quickly becoming my favorite shots.
Celebrating St. Patty's Day on a 42 foot pontoon boat. Aka: Redneck Yacht Club.
Captain, Uncle Craig unloading us at our private island for the day while jamming to old school rock.
Turning the Redneck Yacht Club into a straight up dancing party barge.
Breaking down on my bike and recruiting some help to fix it... even though it was a failed attempt.
Celebrating my birthday with dinner at the Old Florida Fishhouse...
With some super fabulous people.
Discovering on the last 20 min of our trip that we will still be doing this 25 years from now.

"I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

Wavy Beach Hair. I've always loved the style and usually get in the groove of doing the messy wave thing on my own hair in the summer, but after spending a week at the beach.. I think i'm starting early this year. Wind blown waves are not only effortless looking (even though I would argue there is definitely an art to perfecting this style), they are also so fitting to the current season and trends that are on target for this spring. Below are some of my favorite celebs that always can kill the beach hairstyle...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Is It Really Over?

Back in Auburn from the best Spring Break of my life (pictures and deets coming soon). I had such an incredible week full of craziness, laughing, eating, beach bumming, photographing, and spending time with some wonderful people. Now it's back to the grind... hello school work, grad school decisions, and responsibility again. The break was so great, I don't know how long it is going to take me to get back into the swing of things. One thing is for sure though, every year after we come back from spring break, the rest of the semester seems to fly by... and considering I'm now less than 2 months from graduation, i'm plan to make these last few weeks amazing. Best (last) home stretch until summer ever... here I come!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy (Beach Birthday) Weekend.

Happy Weekend! What a wonderful week it has been. Spring Break was exactly what I needed. Great memories have definitely been made with some wonderful friends. As the week is coming to a close and our trip coming to an end, I am celebrating 22 years today. WOW. I feel way too old. Can I just press pause on my life clock for a few years? Despite my wish for time to slow down, I do love birthdays and celebrating at the beach is always fantastic. I'm definitely looking forward to what the day has in store. And, i'm so excited to head back to D-Nation tomorrow to enjoy a little time with the parents and do a family celebration (Mom's birthday was Wednesday) before heading back to Aubs on Sunday. One thing that I always seem to be reminded on days like today... I am so truly blessed.

However many years man may live, let him enjoy them all.
-Ecclesiastes 11:8

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Beach Daze.

It's finally here... Spring Break 2011. I couldn't be more excited to relax, get my tan on, and enjoy a week with friends and no school. I'm packed up and ready to spend a fabulous week at the beach with some lovely ladies. To top it all off, I just found out I was accepted into Auburn's Speech Path Grad Program, went shopping with mom, spent the night at home with the fam last night, and my birthday countdown has now hit T minus one week. So, on that note, let the festivities, fabulousness, and beach bumming begin.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Up Up and Away.

So I found this at The Cool Hunter... National Geographic actually made a recreation of the Pixar movie UP. How cool is that? Using multicolored weather balloons, they launched the lightweight house up above 3000 meters in the air and it floated around for about an hour. I loved the movie and always thought how cool it would be if someone actually did that one day... not realizing that, apparently, it wasn't too far away from happening. Pretty neat stuff.

How legit is this? I must say, I'm very impressed.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Travel Talk.

I absolutely love to travel, in fact I would say I have a healthy obsession with it. Returning to one of my favorite places is fun but going somewhere i've never been is even better. Getting ready for a big trip or even a small one brings a smile to my face. Roadtrips with friends- glorious. Vacays with the fam- perfection. I have this list of places I want to go before I die and I plan on conquering it...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

An inspiration board. What a marvelous thing. While these boards or walls were previously just covered in pinned up pages and ideas for interior design or weddings, they are now making their way into the average household. And the best thing, as your mood changes, you can change out the objects and photos on your board. My latest project has been creating my own. It's a great way to pin up all those magazine pages, vintage photographs, cool tags, and everything else I love but never know what to do with. It's the perfect thing to glance up at when I am lacking a little luster in my day or need some new blogging ideas. Check out the ones below... these are some of my favorites and are all so unique from each other.

I think this was just the post I was needing to get me out of my recent lack of inspiration, lack of blogging slump :)