Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Monday.

This surely is appropriate for today. I've been slacking on my blog, feeling a little uninspired and just plain tired, the weather had been beautiful and warm but is now all of sudden cold, and then wake up this morning to realize it's Monday... However, this little picture gave me the inspiration to remind myself a few reasons of why "it's O.K..."

1. I have a test tomorrow but I can get it over with early in the week.

2. I'm done with class on Thursday morning so it's a shorter week than normal.

3. This time next Monday I'll be chilling on the beach with some favorite friends.

4. My birthday and Spring Break are next week so I have 2 great things to look forward to.

5. We have a RAVE party tonight if I decide to stop by for a study break.

And finally, This is the day that the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it.

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