Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy (Beach Birthday) Weekend.

Happy Weekend! What a wonderful week it has been. Spring Break was exactly what I needed. Great memories have definitely been made with some wonderful friends. As the week is coming to a close and our trip coming to an end, I am celebrating 22 years today. WOW. I feel way too old. Can I just press pause on my life clock for a few years? Despite my wish for time to slow down, I do love birthdays and celebrating at the beach is always fantastic. I'm definitely looking forward to what the day has in store. And, i'm so excited to head back to D-Nation tomorrow to enjoy a little time with the parents and do a family celebration (Mom's birthday was Wednesday) before heading back to Aubs on Sunday. One thing that I always seem to be reminded on days like today... I am so truly blessed.

However many years man may live, let him enjoy them all.
-Ecclesiastes 11:8

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