Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy (Royal Wedding) Weekend.

Like father like son. The 2 pictures above are strikingly similar and remind me of all things Royal and magical. Two normal girls becoming a real life princess in the blink of an eye. I can't even imagine. And today, April 29, 2011, it's finally here... girls are vicariously living out there princess dreams today as a new member is introduced into the Royal Family. Have I been up watching since 4 am? Absolutely. Are my friends and I having a huge party tonight in honor of the celebration? You better believe it. Royal Wedding mania has taken over every tv station and every tabloid and make no mistakes about it, I love it. So best wishes to the our favorite Royal Lovebirds and Happy Weekend to all of us who are ecstatic about a weekend of Royal Wedding Bliss.

From one princess...
to the next...
Life is good when you're in the Royal Family.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fabulous Friends.

After my pledge class just had a ridiculously awesome, adventuresome night together last night, I woke up and just had one of those moments... one of those "oh my gosh, I legit am obsessed with my friends" moments. As graduation is getting closer and closer, all I can think about is wanting to spend all my time being up to no good, or taking random pictures, or doing absolutely nothing with the girls I have come to love so much over the years. Blessed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

Right now I can't help but to be slightly obsessed with these 2 little lovebirds. I don't know if it is really due to my own personal interest or the fact that all I have heard for about 2 months now is about Royal Wedding madness... probably a combination of both. However, I am definitely intrigued. I can't imagine what it feels like to know you are about to become a princess, like legit and that, literally, billions of people are impatiently waiting to watch your wedding. My friends and I have decided to have a little Royal Wedding party of our own... complete with scones, crumpets, tea and champagne, and a lack of "princes." Can't wait to celebrate with the girls and have our own little "princess dreams" Must be nice...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear Self:

A great reminder for all days... but especially on a very busy Monday. Shine On.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy (Easter) Weekend.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
-1 Peter 1:3-

Have a Blessed Easter Weekend.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take Me There.

Currently looking at photos of the beautiful Cinque Terre Italy.

If it hasn't ever been made obvious, I have this unhealthy obsession with Italy. Like I have exhausted oh so many times, I love to travel and one day hope I can check off every place on my list. Italy is somewhere I have yet to go but the thought of it is intoxicating to me. Ever since I saw pictures from one of my best friend's visit to Cinque Terre, well, I have been hooked. Something about the colors and the water are so delightful that I literally could daydream about this place all day. Hoping an praying that my daydreams will become a reality... preferably sooner rather than later.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy (Football Preview) Weekend.

It's A-day weekend in Auburn, Al and you better believe there's going to be lots of tailgating as people pack in Jordan Hare in their best orange and blue attire to watch as the National Champs take the field for the first preview of the 2011 Football Season. In the South, football floats our boat no matter what time of year. So, as I begin singing TGIF in my head, I think I'll sign off with a WARRRRRR EAGLE! Oh, and Happy Weekend.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Color Inspiration- The whole spectrum.

I love color. It's something so simple yet so complex. If you really stopped to think about it, what would our world be like without it? Probably pretty dull and monotonous. I love brilliant, bright hues... especially upon the anticipation of the summer season. As if I didn't love color enough when it stands alone, mash the spectrum all together and i'm head over heels...
So the past couple Thursdays I have done posts about color, this week though I couldn't just pick one, so I decided to pick them all :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

So I just bought a couple of colors from the Texas collection the other day... totally digging them. I think this is such a wonderful collection for the current season. It has brights, darks, and a neutral- definitely covering all the basis. One of my favorite thing about OPI is the creativity that goes into the names of the polishes and, of course, they didn't disappoint with this collection... in fact, I would say this is some of their best work yet in terms of coordinating names with a theme. My personal fav is "Houston We Have a Purple." Love it, mean it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy (Rodeo) Weekend.

Time to put on my boots, my jorts, everything redneck, and load up the truck... it's rodeo weekend in Auburn, Al. That can only mean a couple of things:

1. 12,000 people, including all males, will be wearing jorts.

2. Everyone will be dancing on trailers in their boots ALL DAY.

3. People will be acting a total fool and no one will think a thing about it.

4. The pictures and aftermath of the weekend will be fabulous and most assuredly posted on this very blog.

Welcome Rodeo Weekend, glad to see ya... it's been too long.