Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take Me There.

Currently looking at photos of the beautiful Cinque Terre Italy.

If it hasn't ever been made obvious, I have this unhealthy obsession with Italy. Like I have exhausted oh so many times, I love to travel and one day hope I can check off every place on my list. Italy is somewhere I have yet to go but the thought of it is intoxicating to me. Ever since I saw pictures from one of my best friend's visit to Cinque Terre, well, I have been hooked. Something about the colors and the water are so delightful that I literally could daydream about this place all day. Hoping an praying that my daydreams will become a reality... preferably sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh i love this place!!! the pictures don't even do it full justice (crazy I know!)
