Sunday, July 4, 2010

All American.

When I look at this photo, 2 words come to my mind. Nautical and Escape. Everything that a typical 4th of July weekend should be...My 4th weekend this year took a different turn. I had all of my red, white, and blue outfits ready and even my red and white swimsuit for the beach weekend planned with a few friends. Unfortunately, I got a little sick and spent Independence Day in Dothan, AL. Not the original plan... but Dad grilled out, there was plenty of food to be had, and my family went into movie marathon mode. It turned out to be a pretty okay weekend considering the circumstances, but I still can't help but to look at this photo in hopes of a fabulous, nautical getaway for next year.

Photo from

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Test Drive...

daily drops of sunshine... I feel that title is appropriate for the type of blog I am going for. I love sunshine and there are so many other little things in life that make me happy, which are like drops of sunshine to me in a, sometimes cloudy, world. I plan for this blog to be centered around the things I love most and life in general.

I love reading fashion blogs and discovering new styles and trends. I love looking at photography blogs. I love reading my friend's blogs and seeing what they have going on and like to write about. Finally, it occurred to me, maybe I should create my own blog. I would have to say this really isn't something I would ever see myself doing, but I figure I might as well give it a shot. It's a great way for me to record the little things that inspire me and that I love. Not to mention one day I will be able to look back and reminisce on fond college memories that are being made. So here I am, jumping on this blogging bandwagon and hoping I catch on quickly. Summer seemed like a great time to start... I figure if this doesn't work out for me I can just count it as one of my many summer obsessions. Happy Holiday Weekend to everyone.