Monday, February 7, 2011

Football Wrap Up.

Well congrats to Aaron Rodgers and the Packers for winning what was probably one of the most mediocre Super Bowl extravaganzas ever. Christina botched the National Anthem, Fergie and her Black Eyed Peas were just flat out terrible, and the commercials this year were nothing short of a let down. I'm a huge football fan, but I was not into Super Bowl XLV in any way, shape, or form. The only word that comes to mind is mediocre.. I think my friend Taylor summed it up best when she offered her thoughts on Aaron Rodgers MVP gift, "Aaron Rodgers winning a camaro is like me winning a turkey sandwich, thanks but I already have plenty of turkey in the fridge..."
Probably the worst thing about the Super Bowl last night was the fact that it represents the official end of football season... sad day. As the season wraps up, I thought I would reminisce on some of my favorite moments from this past football season. They include:

Cam winning the Heisman...
Cam making confetti angels...
Being present when we won the National Championship...
Toomer's constantly snowed over all season...
Nashville trip to Tara's with the girls to see the Titans...
Down on LP Field for pregame warmups...
Making a new friend...
Sealing the ticket to Glendale...
Squeezing friends into your seat with you so you can sit together....
Last home game as a student...
Kisses from Aubie...
Making a CBS sign to get on tv...
Team prayers...
Getting close ups of Cammy Cam...
Rolling Toomer's in pajamas...
An orange crowd beneath a blue sky...
Acting like freshies...
The super legit AU Band video...
Spending time with the parents at games...
And roadtripping a roundtrip of 8 hours in one day to cheer on the Tigers...
So, goodbye football (until August) thanks for the memories this year.

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