Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There is absolutely no doubt that this past week was one of the best of my life. Being our last Spring Break ever, naturally we had the mindset of go big or go home... and occasionally go to bed super early because we are grandmas and are worn out. The laughs were uncontrolable, the dumb comments were unredeemable, the food was incredible, the craziness was unstoppable, the beach bumming was unfathomable, the amount of joy that came from singing, "sexy can I, just parked my mantis" was undeniable, the friendships made and strengthened were unbelievable, and the facebook photo comments are uncountable. I know that might seem a little over the top, but really, I couldn't have asked for a better week with a better group of people. Everyday held it's own little adventure... and for that, I am forever grateful.

Some of my favorite memories from SBXI...

Warming ourselves by candlelight the first night to try and contain the shivers.
Realizing that there's always that one person that can't make it up, fortunately for us, SJ knows how to still work the cam.
Meeting up with some other sweet friends for a super artsy breakfast.
Watching delirium set in on the daily.
Out of control game nights.
Feeling like a monopoly broker when having to collect money to pay a $360 dinner bill.
Candid shots quickly becoming my favorite shots.
Celebrating St. Patty's Day on a 42 foot pontoon boat. Aka: Redneck Yacht Club.
Captain, Uncle Craig unloading us at our private island for the day while jamming to old school rock.
Turning the Redneck Yacht Club into a straight up dancing party barge.
Breaking down on my bike and recruiting some help to fix it... even though it was a failed attempt.
Celebrating my birthday with dinner at the Old Florida Fishhouse...
With some super fabulous people.
Discovering on the last 20 min of our trip that we will still be doing this 25 years from now.

"I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay."

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