Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day.

Thanks to our troops in the past and today for all they have done and still do. We are so thankful for their service. Hope everyone is enjoying the extra long weekend.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Big Apple. Big Fun.

I'm here and already in love. Can't wait to share all about my adventures when I get back. I've got a checklist about a mile long for the 5 days i'm here sooo here I go... taking on the Big Apple starting NOW.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy (finally time to go to NYC) Weekend.

It's finally here. After all these years of waiting, i'm really about to peace out and head to NYC. I have never been more excited to go somewhere in my life. Between what I already know and what my friends have all told me, New York is where I belong. The real trick will be convincing me to come back. We leave Sunday so that means this weekend i'm in total "Empire State of Mind" and have a lot of packing to do. Happy Weekend.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All Grown Up.

I think there comes a time when you are supposed to feel different... like grown up or something. Maybe when you graduate from college? I've learned a lot throughout my years at Auburn but I am definitely having a hard time thinking about starting a new chapter in my life and being grown up. I'm still a kid right? 22 is not THAT old... or so they say. Regardless of how grown up I am or am not, I learned a lot the past 4 years and graduation was a great reminder of some of life's smallest but sweetest lessons...

If you take your pictures the day you pick up your cap and gown, you won't have to wait 3 hours to take a snapshot in front of this sign the day before graduation like everyone else.
It doesn't matter how far away people are going, there are some bonds you just can't break up and friends you will never forget.
Your parents love you more than anything on the earth and it's obvious because of how much money they put out for you to be a happy little Auburn Girl.
Good things can come out of nowhere and circumstances are ever changing, so don't be surprised if one day you wake up saying, "I would have never thought... but i'm so so glad."
No matter how grown up you are, you are never too old to want your mom and realize that she's usually the one making your life possible.
It's always good to goof off with your old man, especially if you're a daddy's girl... and that you will never outgrow.
You may graduate on the hottest day of the year, but it's okay because you only do it once.
There's always going to be a friend that you can count on no matter what, and not having to part ways brings joy to your soul... even if you are labeled "the blondes."
You may be an only child, but you can still feel as much love as a family of 13.
YOU CAN DO IT.. and wind up with a lifetime of memories, friends, and pictures to prove it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

Right now I am absolutely loving dark banisters paired with a predominantly light palette and hard wood flooring. It's so crisp and, I think, such an elegant touch to a home. One thing I love is finding things that I hope to incorporate in my own house one day. Dark banisters with lovely white molding are certainly on the list.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Beach on the Brain.

I grew up in South Florida down at the beach. I loved it. In fact, we have kind of an interesting relationship. I get separation anxiety when I'm away for too long type of deal. When the weather has been this perfect and seeing that it is now officially summertime, I seem to have lots of beach on the brain.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy (Nashville Party) Weekend.

Off I go... today a couple of us are heading up to Nashville go stay with one of our good friends. As if Nashville wasn't great enough already, we're going to SteepleChase on Saturday. I'm so excitted I can hardly wait. We will be decked out in our best dresses and big hats don't even worry. Nashville, 2 great friends, and a reason to get swanky and wear a big bright hat are all three things that make me a very happy girl. Happy Weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In LOVE with this picture.

This photo just puts me in a cheerful mood. Great colors and rustic/vintage/modern all at the same time. It just has that "like or not, I'm going to put you in a good mood" kind of effect. LOVE it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Auburn Alum.

Excuse me as I have been away... This whole weekend was filled with a crazy schedule. Pictures with friends, last minute hoorahs, pictures with mom and dad, dinners, parties, etc. It was obviously graduation weekend (pictures to come soon). And, as of yesterday, I am officially an Auburn Alum... that sounds weird. After a jam packed couple of days with lots of surprises, fun, friends, family, and getting older, I could not be more excited that it is now officially summer. Excited, blessed, and loved.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm officially on summer and what perfect timing it is. Going out tonight with the girls for a Mexican Fiesta Celebration. Happy Cinco de Mayo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I can't help but to be thankful for an ending to a fabulous 4 years of college, an end to my finals, and the beginning of a brand new summer. Today I took my last final as an undergrad, and with 5 days left until graduation... I can't wait to play non-stop with my favorite friends. God is good. No, God is great. I have so many things to be thankful for and these 4 years at Auburn rank high on the top of my list. Luckily, I will still be here in the fall as I start grad school just minus some of my best friends. While that, to me, is a slight tragedy... I plan on savoring every second of these last 5 days all together that we still have. So in honor of one last ending of a college spring semester, let the fun of friendship begin for one final hoorah.

"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Currently Obsessed.

Okay so I promise this is my last Royal Wedding Obsessive post (I think). However, I think it's safe to say that right now, I'm currently obsessed with Wedding dresses that have revolutionized the bridal world. Princess Di did it back in 1981 and now, 30 years later, Kate Middleton will most assuredly bring lace sleeved dresses back on the scene. Her Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen dress was surely fit for a princess and I guarantee, by Monday, the replicas will already be out on the market. The princess was effortlessly feminine and chic as she began a mini- fashion revolution and every female across the world began to swoon over and dream about wearing a lace sleeved, princess gown.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hats Off.

I feel like the saying, "Hat's Off" doesn't mean much to the British... in fact, I feel like they would have a struggle removing the adorning decor atop their heads. I have always been into some awesome hats, there just never seems to be much of a reason to wear them down in South Alabama. Apparently though, if I had been one of the honorary guests of the infamous Royal Wedding, I would have had every reason to decorate the top of my head. The only problem would be, I'm not sure If I would be able to compete with these ladies...