Monday, January 31, 2011

The Spring Crew.

I'm so ready for a change in color palette, warm weather, and flowers. Don't get me wrong I love wearing black and have a multitude of black pieces adorning my closet, but after 3 months of black, gray, and brown well, I'm ready for a change. The J. Crew Spring 2011 lookbook is fabulous. Everything in there has me craving sunshine and cheerful colors... here are just a few examples of why i'm currently obsessed.

All these photos were found at Fashionising.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Peace in Chaos.

"I lean not on my own understanding, my life is in the hands of the Maker of Heaven."

We sang these words at church this past Sunday and they have stuck with me all week. It is so encouraging and comforting to know that when I can't figure things out and cannot seem to piece my chaotic little world together, it's okay because ultimately that's not my job. I am so thankful for a loving Savior who has my life in His hands and takes care of the daily details, even when I am unaware. This picture is probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen and is an incredible illustration of how God is all around us and continually trying to make His presence known in our lives if we will give him the opportunity. His peace is overwhelming and calming in a world of chaos.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pink Palace.

I've always been a fan of pink hues. In fact, pink is my favorite color. I think, when used appropriately (and sometimes even over the top), pink interiors can be fresh, fun, and even sophisticated. Here are some photos of pink interiors that I simply just adore and could see myself spending great amounts of time in. Pink- you either love it or loathe it... and I LOVE it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Keeping Up with Kendall.

Confession. I'm an avid Kardashians fan. My roommates and I love to watch the show. This past season though, Kendall really caught my eye. This past year, she's been doing a lot of modeling- following in big sis Kim's footsteps. And, being the true fan that I am, I looked up some of her shots and discovered these. Being the younger sister of the 3 Kardashian girls i'm sure is no easy task to live up to, but from the looks of these photos, she is well on her way to fabulous.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


FINALLY I can share some pictures and details from my trip. Words cannot even express what a fabulous time we had in Arizona... not to mention, it was probably the best wrap up of your last football season as a student ever. A big WAR EAGLE to that.

So Sunday night we sucked up a 150 dollar round trip cab fare and headed out to Scottsdale... and it was definitely everything you would expect the night before the National Championship. We even found 2 Oregon fans we could handle haha (only because they were some of B. Mikks friends :)
Monday morning we woke up and it hit us... the day we had been hoping for since the beginning of the season/actually waiting for since the beginning of December was finally upon us. We put on our jerseys and headed towards that "spaceship in the desert" for a day of tailgating and anticipation.
There were Auburn signs, billboards, and busses everywhere. Orange and blue definitely outweighed the yellow and green.
So naturally, there were tons of great photo opps and we took full advantage...
Legit, it looked like someone had dropped Auburn in Arizona further reinforcing that we have the BEST fans in the country.
The energy in the 70% Auburn 30% Oregon filled stadium was electric.
And, I may or may not have accidentally shed a few tears when we won.
Of course toilet paper was flowing throughout the stands, but it was nothing compared to what was happening back at Toomer's Corner in Auburn.
Apparently, if you are the last few people out of the stadium, you can catch a glimpse of the ESPN post game report and meet Lee Corso (ps. we were those people).
Wednesday night, back in Auburn, we were out and saw some of the players. Obvi we had to snag our picture with them cause they just led us to being the #1 team in the nation (that's Lee Ziemba and Wes Byrum).
The Auburn Spirit was/is incredible and Toomers stayed rolled for about a week.
It's always great to be an Auburn Tiger but at this point in time, there is nothing better than being an Auburn Tiger. I definitely believe in Auburn and LOVE IT.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Frustration at its' Finest.

So I have been trying to upload my pictures to Facebook and my blog for about a week now. They are all edited and on my computer... but not having any luck getting them onto the internet. I am beyond frustrated. I'm heading to the MAC people tomorrow and hoping they can help me out... fingers crossed.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We Had Our Ducks In A Row.

Heisman winner- check. Perfect season- check. Unstoppable- check. Crystal Ball- check. NATIONAL CHAMPIONS- CHECK.

This was one heck of a senior year football season and I will never forget the feeling of sweet victory on January 10, 2011 in Glendale, Arizona. It's great to be an Auburn Tiger.

Pictures and details of the Arizona Adventure coming soon.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Duck Hunting Day.

It's finally here. After a flawless season and months of waiting, it's National Championship Game Day. Loving every minute of the Auburn Family taking over Arizona... and so excited for a lovely day of "duck hunting" here in the desert. WARRRRRRRRRR EAGLE, HEY!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane.

The epic weekend in Arizona for the National Championship Game starts today... off I go, Glendale here I come. I just can't help but sing Peter, Paul, and Mary's "I'm leaving on a jet plane" in my head. Excited beyond words. Oh, and War Eagle :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Grad School Grumps.

All this week I have been working on completing my grad school applications... I don't think I was quite prepared for this whole process. Necessary- yes, enjoyable- hardly. It seems like there are papers flying around everywhere, checklists out the wazoo, and mom and I are losing are minds trying to get it all finished up. I do believe though if I had an office like this it might take away some of the pain and help to defeat my current case of "grad school grumps."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beckham Backflash.

I was going through some stacks of my magazines and ran across the March 2010 issue of Glamour. It definitely held one of my all time favorite celeb photo shoot spreads on the inside... Victoria Beckham being domestic (in her own fashionable way of course). I can only hope that I will be this kind of house wife one day...fabulous. So even though it's been about ten months since they were first published, I decided to post some of the pics from the shoot... they never get old to me.

All of the photos were taken by Ellen Von Unwerth (I located them at DustJacket Attic). I would love to be some kind of big deal and have Miss Ellen come shoot me... cause heaven only knows I would die to have some photos like this.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sweet Memories.

This day one year ago I was on my way back to the States from an amazing trip at Orphanage Emmanuel in Honduras. During my 8 days there, I had the pleasure of loving on some precious children. It was probably one of the most humbling experiences of my life and I was so blessed by the children and the staff that I came in contact with. Although Honduras is a very poverty stricken area, there was still so much beauty all around- both in the scenery and the people. It was a true example of the way God can use absolutely anything to let his power shine through.